How to Dropship on Mercari for Beginners

Mercari is an exceptional marketplace for sellers, offering a 0% listing fee and a user-friendly platform. It's ideal for those looking to sell items with fast shipping, like clothes, game consoles, car parts, and power tools.

Why Choose Mercari?

  1. Zero Listing Fees: Mercari charges nothing to list your items, making it cost-effective for sellers.
  2. Easy to use and has great traffic Items that can be shipped in 2-3 days, such as clothes, game consoles, car parts, and power tools, are particularly well-suited for Mercari.

How to Maximize Sales on Mercari

  1. Use Amazon Prime or Walmart Plus: These services ensure quick delivery, enhancing your customer satisfaction.
  2. Optimize Listings with Images: Use review images from Amazon or other sources to create the impression that you have the items in hand. Tools like ZeeDrop crosslister allow you to choose and paste review images directly into Mercari with one click. Be careful to avoid using images with watermarks to prevent getting banned.

Shipping Strategies

  1. Ship from Home: The safest option is to have the items delivered to your home via Amazon Prime and then ship them to your customers. Choose "Ship on your own" for this method.
  2. Direct Shipping from China to Japan: Most Mercari users are in Japan. You can use AliExpress or Alibaba to ship items directly from China to Japan, where shipping typically takes 7-10 days. This method can be more profitable but comes with higher risks.

Tips for Success on Mercari

  • Free Shipping: Offering free shipping can boost your sales.
  • Maintain Good Ratings: Keep your store's rating high to build trust with buyers.
  • Leverage High Traffic: Mercari's huge traffic ensures a steady flow of potential buyers.
  • Enable option of get offer


Mercari's zero-fee structure, combined with efficient shipping options and smart listing practices, makes it a fantastic platform for sellers. Start leveraging Mercari today to reach a vast audience and boost your sales.

By combining efficient shipping practices, optimizing your listings with review images, and offering free shipping, you can thrive on Mercari. Start selling today and take advantage of this zero-fee, high-traffic platform!


Listing on Mercari By ZeeDrop